Non c'è nulla di più brutto di trovarsi alla stessa festa con una ragazza che indossa il tuo stesso vestito!Ammettiamolo..l'istinto omicida si fa sentire come non mai e il bicchiere di vino che teniamo in mano ci sembra improvvisamente un'arma micidiale! Senza contare,poi, che magari all'altra sta molto meglio.. (e a noi donne sembra sempre così!). Certo nell'era del low cost è più prassi che altro ma che dire se capita anche alle celeb più in? Vestiti pagati un occhio della testa visti addosso a mezzo star system..credo che in quel caso, soprattutto se si tratta dello stesso evento, il bicchiere di vino non basta!Voi che ne dite..who's the best?
Good Sunday to all of you, dear bloggers!
There is nothing worse than being dressed alike another girl at the same party! Let's face it..the killer instinct begins to bite and the glass of wine that we have on our hand seems immediately a lethal weapon! Not to mention that maybe she wears it better..(and for all the women it's always like that!). Of course in the low cost era it's inevitable but what to say if this happends to the most in celebs? Clothes paid through the nose worn by half star system..I think that, in this case, the glass of wine isn't enough!And you what do you say..who's the best?
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And tomorrow will start my first giveaway!!
Stay tuned!
Non mi piacerebbe per niente trovarmi in una festa con lo stesso vestito di un'altra...
RispondiEliminaun bacio. elena :)
Diciamo che mi butto a sinistra trane per ashley tisdale, kim kardashian e la foto con l'abito blu a stelline...
Ooh, I love these types of things! So excited! Okay, so for the first one... It is tough because something looks off in both dresses. I'm going to go without the belt. The belt that Nicole Hilton isn't a chic addition. For the second look, I go with the first picture with the belt.
RispondiEliminaThird: Lindsay Lohan (surprisingly)
Fourth: Another tough one because they both look adorable, but I'm going with Blake Lively
5th: Kim Kardashian all the way! Without a doubt, sorry Eva ha.
6th: Sarah Jessica Parker (She kept it simple, I didn't like the flower design Jessica Biel was sporting)
7th: Vanessa Minillo (I don't know how to spell her name, but she definitely pull that one off)
8th: Zoe Saldana
9th: Lauren Conrad completely! I think Megan Fox is gorgeous but she didn't pull the dress off.
Last one: Ashely Tisdale
That was fun ha!
-The BF Mashup
post molto interessante e .. divertente!
they both look great! haha there was this once i went to a party and wore the exact same dress as my friend- we had a good laugh though :D
RispondiEliminaMolto bello questo post!
RispondiEliminaXoxo Mara
non so perchè amo questi confronti ahahahhahaha
RispondiEliminaun bacio